APA CE Credits
Psychologist Directory
Greater Pittsburgh Psychological Association
APA CE Credits
Psychologist Directory
APA CE Credits
Writing Dream Formations - 2 CE Credits
GPPA - Graphing Desire Writing Dreams - 2 CE Credits
CDR - Office Hours - 1 CE Credit
GPPA - AI in Your Tele-Psych Practice- 3 CE Credits
WPFC - Fall Symposium: Emotional Projection Process: Challenges in Applying Bowen Family Systems Theory - 13 CE Credits
Pittsburgh Community for EFT - Trailblazing New EFT Ground: Stress, Attachment and Cultural Humility - 3 CE Credits
GPPA - Toda La Vida- Foundational Narratives/Non-Narratives - 2 CE Credits
GPPA - Krista Boyer: Mindfulness Class - 3 Credits
Pittsburgh Community for EFT - Learn, Play, Explore! Navigate the Sticky Moments in EFT - 3 Credits
The Village Center for Holistic Therapy - Ethics & SI - 4 CE Credits
The Village Center for Holistic Therapy -Clinical Documentation Training - 2 CE Credits
GPPA - Biannual IBHS CANS Initiative Trainings II - Supervisors/Administrators - 1 APA CE Credit
GPPA - Biannual IBHS CANS Initiative Trainings II - MT/BCs & Evaluators - 1 APA CE Credit
CDR - CANS Certification and DataPool Training - 4.5 APA CE Credits
Burke - Human Trafficking and Gender Based Violence: Focus on Uganda - 3 CE Credits
Communicate and Connect Counseling - Ethically Billing Insurance for Couple Therapy (OON & INN) - 2 CE Credits
Emotionally Focused Community of Hampton Roads - Introduction to the Attachment Injury Repair Model (AIRM) - 1 CE Credit
GPPA - Your Practice Brochure - 2 Ethics Credits
Pittsburgh Community for EFT - Working with Pursuers in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) - 3 CE Credits
CCC - EFCT Group Supervision Intensive - 6 CE Credits
GPPA & Pauline - Moving Toward Culturally-Informed Care - Non - Members - 2 CEs
GPPA & Pauline - Moving Toward Culturally-Informed Care - Members - 2 CEs
EFC Hampton Roads - Anatomy of the Tango - Using the Tango to Understand and Expand the Sexual Cycle - 4 CE Credits
WPFC - AI and the Human: Exploring Adaptation - 6.5 CE Credits
CCC - Ethically Billing Insurance for Couple Therapy (OON & INN) - 3 CE Credits
PACP - Collaborative Law Annual Retreat - 8 CE Credits